09 November 2020

ESCAPE DIOS: Development and application of an automatic workflow for the replication of scientific data

"The Major Atmospheric Gamma Imaging Cherenkov (MAGIC) Telescopes (one of...
22 October 2020

Blogpost - ESCAPE at the EOSC Governance Symposium 2020

I had the pleasure to represent the ESCAPE cluster project in the architecture working group (EAWG), discussing with experts from EOSC projects, e-Infrastructure projects, and national delegates....

16 October 2020

ESCAPE – bringing Astronomy, Particle & Nuclear Physics into the Open Science Landscape: New video online

ESCAPE has produced a brief animated video explaining how ESCAPE is accelerating scientific discoveries by ensuring open access and long-term data usability for...

07 October 2020

Blogpost - ESCAPE at at the kick-off workshop of CERN, SKAO, GÉANT and PRACE collaboration on HPC

I attended the CERN, SKAO, GÉANT and PRACE collaboration on High-Performance Computing workshop to initiate the recently signed 4-way agreement between CERN, SKAO, PRACE and...

30 September 2020

New joint paper from ESCAPE & Science Clusters: EOSC – a tool for enabling open science in Europe

ESCAPE is happy to announce the release of a new joint position paper called “...

23 September 2020

How does ESCAPE contribute to Open Science and the European Open Science Cloud? A podcast with ESCAPE Coordinator Giovanni Lamanna

Open Science represents a new approach to the scientific process, based on cooperative work and new ways of diffusing knowledge by using digital technologies and new...

16 September 2020

ESCAPE OSSR Concept Note – sharing science products following FAIR principles


ESCAPE has finalised the concept note of the ESCAPE Open-source...

10 September 2020

Bringing data from the world's largest radio telescope to Open Science SKA and ESCAPE

An astronomy-driven IT machine, much more advanced than an ordinary telescope, is being built to collect huge amounts of data that will allow new discoveries about our universe. We are talking...

02 September 2020

Managing Antiproton and Ion big data in federated environments – FAIR & ESCAPE

The Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research (FAIR) is a new large-scale accelerator facility in Europe which uses antiprotons and ions for research in nuclear, hadron and particle physics, atomic...
