A number of Postdoctoral Research posts are being recruited, across the ESCAPE collaboration, for Dark Matter physics and Multi-messenger Astronomy, to build new open science tools as part of the European Open Science Cloud.

The ESCAPE project is building a virtual research environment (VRE) for the Astronomy, Astro-Particle, Particle, and Nuclear Physics communities, as a prototype of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC).  It is intended that the developments of tools and services made in ESCAPE will become part of the EOSC implementation.  The mechanism for that integration will be the EOSC-Future project, where the science drivers of various disciplines come from the clusters of European research infrastructures involved in the project, including ESCAPE.

Within ESCAPE it has been agreed that two large “Test Science Projects” (TSP) will be deployed with a number of high-level objectives: a) To demonstrate new cutting-edge science capabilities, in particular those involving cross experiment collaboration and science outcomes; b) To validate on behalf of the science communities, that the software, tools, services, and infrastructure developed within ESCAPE are what is required by the science use cases; c) To provide feedback to the ESCAPE project, and ultimately to the EOSC community, that will help guide the future direction and development of the EOSC. 

The 2 TSPs selected in ESCAPE are:

  • Dark Matter: to bring together on a common science platform, the data and analysis software of collider, direct and indirect detection experiments involved in ESCAPE;
  • Extreme Universe: to implement a sustainable platform for multi-messenger astronomy, to enable the use of probes from telescopes and detectors from across the spectrum, and including Gravitational Waves, neutrinos, and cosmic rays.

Thus, while the intention is to do real cutting-edge science, it will be science within the context of EOSC, and so EOSC-Future will address both scientific activities and infrastructure and tool development and validation.   

A number of post-doctoral positions are available to work on these challenges in the ESCAPE partner institutes. The candidates will work on new scientific results with an emphasis on reproducibility and sustainability of the tools used to obtain them, including new algorithms (e.g. machine learning tools) that can also be used by other experiments and other fields.

These positions are:

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