In the context of the fight against the corona (COVID-19) pandemic, the Particle Physics Laboratory of Annecy (LAPP), which is the joint research unit of CNRS and Savoie Mont-Blanc University that coordinates the ESCAPE project, has made available all the possible computational and storage support to the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) biologists with its MUST data centre.
Through ESCAPE project and other initiatives, LAPP plays a leading roles in astronomy, astroparticle and particle physics fields, through some of the major ESFRI RI landmarks (e.g HL-LHC, CTA) and other worldclass projects (e.g. Virgo-EGO, LSST) amongst other research infrastructures. ESCAPE is a cluster aiming at committing the particle physics and astrophysics communities in implementing EOSC. Traditionally the involvement of LAPP in the European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures (ESFRI) has contributed to the construction and operation of data and computing centres such the one operated in Annecy, MUST. This French digital infrastructure is part of the Worldwide LHC Computing Grid (WLCG), EGI network and is open for multidisciplinary research.
Exceptionally, the same data centre used in ESCAPE is now, through LAPP, offering special access to its MUST data centre for important insights into the behaviour of the COVID-19 virus. The computing power of MUST will be used for in-silico screening to select, from a database of several million molecules, those that meet very precise specifications and that could attack some major COVID-19 enzymes responsible for the replication of the virus RNA in the human host cell.