Paris (France)

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22 January 2020

The European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) is an initiative of the European Commission which aims to connect existing European scientific data infrastructures, to add high capacity and / or performance cloud solutions to exploit them and to widen the scope of these services to users in the public sector and industry. The EOSC should be seen in the broader context of open science, also aimed at making scientific data FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable) and open.

The one-day event "Journée EOSC au CNRS", taking place in 22th January, at CNRS (Paris, France) will aim to answer several questions related to the place of the EOSC within the CNRS:

  •     What is the participation of the CNRS and its institutes in the EOSC today?
  •     What can EOSC offer our scientific communities?
  •     What are the opportunities and risks of CNRS involvement in the EOSC?
  •     What are the next steps at CNRS level, at national and European level?

Francoise Genova (CNRS), member of ESCAPE consortium, is joining the round-table entitled "What works and what does not work in current EOSC projects?", where she will give an overview on how ESCAPE is contributing to EOSC.