Jun 22, 2023 to Jun 22, 2023
Conferences & Events
The CS3MESH4EOSC final event, taking place on 22 June 2023, at the EGI Conference in Poznan (Poland), will showcase how the Science Mesh is contributing to an easier and more robust open science across Europe, thanks to novel approaches for data sharing and synchronisation.
he Science Mesh is a federation of distributed data storage and sharing services, known as Enterprise File Sync and Share (EFSS) services, where cloud platforms from different providers are interconnected. Science Mesh users can easily share and manage data through the familiar interfaces of their institutional services and collaborate with colleagues from other organisations. The Science Mesh services are not specific to any particular research discipline, since it addresses the needs of a wide array of users interested in scientific collaboration. It can be used either by user communities within existing Research infrastructures such as European Research Infrastructure Consortia (ERICs), National Research and Education Network (NRENs) and other official clusters, but also by individual researchers and smaller research groups. All this without compromising data privacy and security, with the advantage of making data within the Science Mesh FAIR.
The first half of the event will count with live demonstrations, where each data service from the Science Mesh will be presented from a user-perspective point of view. Event attendees will get practical information on how they can join the Science Mesh as a researcher, a software developer or a service provider. The event will also bring together representatives of Science Mesh use cases, who will explain how Science Mesh is making a difference in their lives, thanks to easier data sharing and
synchronisation. A panel discussion with representatives of different sectors, from research to industry and education, will discuss the most urgent trends & priorities for cross-border science collaboration between different sciences.
The second half of the event will be focused on the technical novelties within the Science technical foundation. A series of demonstrations will be presented, followed by a panel discussion, with representatives of CS3MESH4EOSC members that are part of the EOSC Task Forces, on how the Science Mesh contributes to EOSC’s success and the overall EOSC Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA).
The event will close with an overview of future Science Mesh developments, as well as how the tool will become self-sustained after the project's conclusion.
Official webpage: https://cs3mesh4eosc.eu/news-events/events/cs3mesh4eosc-final-event-science-mesh-unlocking-open-science-and-collaborative